Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Let there be Light

Basic lighting has been added to Decade. This adds another slight layer of realism to the scene. In my opinion the screenshot below does not do Decade Justice. The moving water being effected by light and shade creates an impressive effect. I have tried to create a video to upload to YouTube so I can show here but so far the quality hasn't been worth showing.

Patch Culling and Node Tree has been added to Brute Force Terrain. This now exceeds the frame rate of software rendered Geomipmapping, however Geomipping will soon be Hardware Rendered too and will hopefully increase in frame rate.
Other in progress work are Scriptable Particle Systems and GUI Components such as buttons, combo boxes etc...

1 comment:

  1. Would it take so long just to read through your blogs and spell / grammar check them? I do not know if editing your posts is possible in a blog but if that is the case then read first in future.

    however Geomipping will 'so been' Hardware Rendered too

    'My full blow water'

    Decade can 'N'ow support why capitalize?
